Thursday, November 29, 2012

I love Woodland’s Windows

On the days when I get to deliver things to a classroom, or go to find a student who is checking out, I always check out the goings-on in the rooms I pass along the way. I am never disappointed. 

My usual route takes me past the sixth grade classrooms, the science labs, and the early childhood classrooms. Today the sixth graders are having “show and tell,” and have brought their teddy bears and blankies—I delivered a blue bear to a nearly six-foot-tall sixth grade boy.  I don’t know why this show and tell is a yearly tradition in sixth grade, but I have to say it is really endearing to see them reminisce about “the good old days.”  Especially because I knew so many of them when they really did bring blue bears to show and tell.

As I continue down the hall, I pass Dr. Amazing’s lab. If you have not spent time in there, you are missing out!  I love wildlife, and Mr. Ogdon’s room allows us to get up close and personal (plenty close enough to that tarantula for this city girl!) with some interesting critters. There is always a sense of engagement and interest in that classroom, and often we can hear the laughter and shrieks of delight from the littlest students as Dr. Amazing, well, amazes them with real science.

With five grandchildren under the age of 5, I have to say that Mrs. Smythe’s PK class is my favorite spot in my travels. There is something so rich about watching 3 and 4 year olds at play—they speak so earnestly to each other and are so totally engaged in whatever they’re doing, even when the little boys are dressed up in the pink princess dress and the girls in the Spiderman outfit—play is serious stuff for these kiddos, and that innocence is gone too soon. 

Naptime in the early childhood rooms is another favorite sight to see—they are so sweet all curled up on their mats.  Even better is the time right after they wake up, or are woken up by their teachers, to go home. They all sort of wander around bumping into each other with dazed expressions and their hair all sticking up crazily. These kids work hard, play hard, and (some of them) sleep hard. Woodland is their home away from home, a safe place, a fun place, a place with friends and “family.”  I am blessed to watch them
grow and learn. Thank you for sharing their childhoods with me.
Nancy VanCleve
Administrative Assistant

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Leadership: An Opportunity For Middle School Students

A recent article in Ed., The Magazine of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, looked at the relationship between a school’s grade configuration and how it relates to a student’s success in school. According to the article, evidence suggests that K-8 schools may give students the best opportunity for success in high school. There are many reasons for this cited in the article but there was one that stood out to me above any other:  leadership opportunities. An educator quoted in the article said “I think one of the most compelling reasons to support the K–8 grade configuration is the leadership aspect for our students.”
We at Woodland agree with this statement and support the growth of our students’ leadership skills by offering a myriad of opportunities, particularly for eighth grade students, to hone these skills. Unfortunately, these opportunities don’t exist for many students outside of a K-8 environment. From opportunities to lead chapel, be a first grade friend, serve as a student council representative, act as an athletic team captain, or lead a team building exercise during one of our middle school fall trips, leadership opportunities abound for our middle school students.
Our middle school team is constantly looking for opportunities to challenge our students to be leaders and not followers in a world that is in desperate need of leaders that stand up for what is right. It is always affirming to see how many of our Woodland graduates go on to high school and college to become leaders.  
If you are interested in reading more about the benefits of a K-8 school, please take a minute to read the linked article.

Adam Moore, Head of School

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

For Woodland Teachers Professional Growth is a Priority

Woodland teachers are dedicated to their craft of teaching and learning. Each year our faculty and staff take part in a minimum of twenty-four hours of professional development training because we know there is nothing more critical for student success than the teacher being the best teacher possible. As I have stated in previous notes, “the one factor that surfaced as the single most influential component of an effective school is the individual teachers within that school” (Marzano, 2007).

Woodland’s professional development opportunities are often supported through the generous gifts to our Annual Fund. Research has shown that the “best” teachers are also the teachers who are “students” themselves, meaning that good teachers are themselves “lifelong learners.” The complete list of professional development activities represent thousands of hours of growth for our teachers over the past twelve months. The preparation our teachers have put into making student learning as effective as possible is nothing less than impressive. Teachers, THANK YOU for your dedication to continual learning and growth for the benefit of our students.

A sampling of books and professional articles that Woodland teachers have used to remain on the cutting edge of teaching and learning include: Teach Like a Champion by Doug Lemov; Teach Like Your Hair’s on Fire by Rafe Esquith; Best Friends, Worst Enemies, Understanding the Social Lives of Children by Michael Thompson; The Case for Physical Education by Sue Douglass Fliess; A Mind at a Time by Mel Levine; Mindset by Carol S. Dweck; International Journal for Professional Educators, Gifted Child Quarterly, Teaching for High Potentia;, The Organized Student by Donna Goldberg; Teaching Adolescents with Disabilities by Deshler, Ellis, and Lenz;  Mindset by Carol Dweck; Literacy Work Stations by Dibbie Diller; Mr. Devore’s Do-Over by David Puckett;  What Brain Research Means for the Art of Teaching; History Worse Than Wikipedia by Mona Charen; Four Square and the Politics of Sixth Grade Lunch by Arthur Goldman; The Complete Learning Center Book;  The Need for Balanced Approach to Prepare Students Pre-K and Up by Jo Kirchner; Schools Where Everyone Belongs by Stan Davis; Empowering Bystanders in Bullying Prevention by Stan Davis; Understanding the Framework for Change; Literacy Survival Tips; Teaching in the Digital Age by Brian Puerling; How to be an Unforgettable Teacher, The First Six Weeks of School by Paula Denton and Roxann Kriete; Assessment Portfolios for Elementary Students by Kathryn Henn Reinke; Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment; Creating a Focus on Learning-Learning by Doing; What a Difference a Word Makes; and Maximizing the Power of Formative Assessments.

Conferences, workshops, films, webinars, classes attended by our faculty and staff in the last year include: MAIS Learning Specialist meeting, 2011 Midsouth Technology Conference, InnovatED,, Preparing to Write, Bully Prevention workshop, Handwriting Without Tears workshop, Singapore Math: Number Sense and Computation Strategies, Navigating Students to Resiliency, National Council on Economic Education’s – The Wide World of Trade, Reverse Teaching workshop, ADD/ADHD Forum, Superkids Training, Sessions at the Conference for Tennessee Kindergarten Teachers included Recognizing Red Flags for Common Learning Challenges, Dr. Jean Feldman’s ‘No More Worksheets’ and Transition Tips and Tricks, eMerging Readers: Literacy and Technology Merge, Strengthening Your Guided Reading: Building Literacy Through Small Group Instruction, Practical Consideration for Retaining Kindergarteners, Creating an ADHD Friendly Classroom, Bullying Basics and Bullying Prevention by Childcare Guidance, , Project Learning Tree, Growing Up Wild at the Big Backyard, Language Development Training, Psychoeducational Evaluation, The Inside Story from the Department of Child Services, Educational Records Bureau Workshop; Facing History’s “Bullying”, Stop Bullying Now, Real Solutions for ADHD Classroom Challenges, The Martin Institute, TAIS’s PK Roundtable, The Finland Phenomenon, Handwriting Without Tears - Top Ten Questions About Handwriting, Seminar in Early Childhood Education, Research Residency Seminar, Readings in Early Childhood Education, Child Psychology Applied to Education, Creativity in Teaching and Curriculum, Applying Accommodations for Children with Disabilities to Early Childhood Education, Planning and Facilitating Math and Science Learning in Early Childhood, Construct Science Content Knowledge Through Problem Based Learning, Literacy and Science: A Marriage That Works, Boosting the Brain with Humor, Teaching the Qualities of Good Writing Through Illustration, TAIS JK Roundtable, Memphis College of Art Fall Conference for Art Educators, Professional Learning Communities, Assessment for Learning, PD360 (professional development videos on demand), Bridges Team Building, and a variety of technology workshops such as Picasa I and II, Getting Organized in Outlook and My Documents, Powerpoint, Scholastic Online Ordering, Using the Smartboard, Class Newsletters, Creating a Table, Cool Websites, Podcasting, Web 2.0, Twitter, Advanced Google Searching, Destiny, Downloading You Tube Videos, Edmodo, Using Google to teach to Bloom’s Taxonomy, Prezzi, Social Bookmarking, Collaborative Writing on the Web, and Go Animate!.

Awards, honors, and memberships of our teachers include: Delta Kappa Gamma Society, Educate Memphis team member, WREG’s Teacher of the Week, Outstanding Early Childhood Education Doctoral Student Award, and Destination Imagination Board Member. 

Marzano, R. (2007). The Art and Science of Teaching. Alexandria, VA: Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Flipping the Classroom

Reverse teaching is a term parents and students at Woodland will hear and learn more about this year. It is referred to as different things — blended learning, flip teaching, backwards classroom, or reverse instruction. This type of teaching gives teachers an opportunity to be better teachers by being fully engaged with the students.

All of these educational terms mean the same thing--students will research, watch videos, participate in on-line discussions, and “do the grunt work” at home. In Woodland’s Middle School, we see the benefits of students becoming responsible for their own introduction to or review of material at home. This allows time at school to communicate more clearly about student’s progress by having student/teacher conferences or to be actively engaged in working math problems, writing papers, and creatively designing projects. Teachers are able to spend valuable classroom time working one-on-one with students rather than lecturing or presenting information.

Expectations will be set that students come to class prepared. The beginning of each class may be set aside to answer questions students have from viewing the assignment from the previous night. The students may be asked to bring an entrance slip with the answer to a question from the video they viewed at home. This will hold the students accountable for following the expectation set before the assignment is given.

While Woodland wants to make sure each child is prepared for high school by introducing educational practices such as reverse teaching, we do feel strongly about our traditional means of teaching and learning, so every class, every day will not be flipped, but opportunities for students to experience this type of education will be implemented. We hope you will see some real enthusiasm and interest in learning from your children.

Mershon Cummings
Middle School Director

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Growing Young Hearts and Minds: My First Decade

A visitor asked me the other day how long I’d been at Woodland. Ten years, I told her, and then I thought, “really? Ten years?” When I came to Woodland in the fall of 2001, there was an entirely different cast of characters in the school office, and it took a long time for me to not feel like the new girl. I was blessed to be taught and supported in the traditions of Woodland by co-workers who were generous, engaged, and absolutely crazy about Woodland Presbyterian School.

So, ten years of Welcome Back Family Cookouts, of Grandparents’ Days, First Grade Thanksgiving Feasts and Science Fairs, adorable kiddos in their Christmas programs and “Santa is the Man” performed by 5th and 6th graders in shades, Favorite Guy Breakfasts, and Homecoming with its transformation of 8th grade girls in braces into beautiful young ladies in heels, towering over their escorts who haven’t yet gotten their height. There are great new traditions that have come along too—the Golf Tournament and Family Science Night, the incredible Middle School Arts Showcase, and so many more. I can honestly say that it never gets old—I think I get as excited about seeing your second-grader in his school play as you do. And I always cry, no matter what they are singing.

It is hard to explain the sweet—sometimes bittersweet—comfort of watching your children start out with their loveys and blankeys, progress to tooth necklaces from the nurse’s office (there was NO nurse’s office, or nurse! for the first several years I was here), go on to being too-cool-for-school middle-schoolers, and then tearfully say goodbye to Woodland for the kind of scary and big world of high school. The amazing thing is that these kids get it—they may not show it, but they know they have been loved and known and appreciated for who they are at Woodland, and leaving the nest is not easy. The good news is: they are ready, whether they know it or not.

It seems clichéd to say they feel like mine, or anyway like ours, and to worry a little as we send them on their way. Like parenting, we know we did lots of things well while they were at Woodland, and maybe a couple of things not as well as we’d like, so we pray for strength and mercy and grace for them and for kind and understanding and patient teachers to come alongside them as they leave us. As we begin this new season of growth and exciting improvements to our campus, I look forward to the new traditions we’ll establish, but after ten years at Woodland, I know with all my heart that our essence will always be intact. Woodland Presbyterian School is, as our motto says, “growing young hearts and minds.” What a privilege it is to be a part of that vision.

Nancy VanCleve
Administrative Assistant