Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hip, hip, hooray for summer!

Ah, yes, those lazy days of summer!  Days to kick back, sleep in, and enjoy the sunshine! While we all need a break from the rigors of school, we still need some structure-- spending brief amounts of time reviewing is good.   

Studies have shown that some of what is learned during the school year is lost during the summer.   For that reason I would like to recommend Summer Skills Review books.  Please check out to look at the review books available for your student.  They are available for math and language arts.  

Michelle Packer
Assistant Head of School


  1. Do we purchase the book for the grade recently completed or the grade Andrew is entering in the fall?

  2. These were recommended to us last year by Mrs. Willingham and this year by Miss Joyner. We were told to purchase the grade recently completed.
